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Old Sun Oct 28, 2012, 07:13 PM
MDSPerth MDSPerth is offline
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Posts: 74
Thanks everyone for your responses. The original findings from the BMB favoured AA with a differential diagnosis of hypoplastic myelodysplasia with cytogenetic studies required. Unfortunately those cytogenetic studies revealed a number of the cells tested containing monosomy 7 and trisomy 8 which is consistent with MDS. Only 7 of the 20 cells presented with no abnormality.

Angie - G-CSF and EPO are growth hormones which are administered by injections. The G-CSF is to stimulate the WBC and Neutorofils and the EPO is to hopefully stimulate the RBC and Haemoglobin. (EPO is one of the ones that Lance Armstrong the cyclist is in trouble for only Paul has it under script). After reading a number of articles it appears that maybe only 35% of patients show response to these meds and Paul is one of the lucky ones in that it has raised his counts very well - ie HGB from 94 to 122 and neutrophils from .35 to 2.7. Where we are very aware that these drugs are not a cure and are only a bandaid they at least keep Paul non-sympomatic to the disease and improve the quality of life whilst he awaits hopefully for a marrow match and can proceed to transplant.

Can anyone tell me in lay terms what it means if erythroid nests are prominent?
Sandi, partner of Paul 62, diagnosed MDS Intermediate 2; July 2012. Pancytopenia, Cytogenetics -7 +8 Chromosomes. Low Blast cell count. Currently on EPO & G-CSF and having great response. MUD found will be admitted to Royal Perth Hospital 27 March 2013 to start SCT process.
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