Thread: Multi-Vitamin??
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Old Wed Feb 18, 2009, 06:21 AM
Birgitta-A Birgitta-A is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
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Multi Vitamin

Hi Nancy,
When I was dx May 2006 and was transfusion dependent from start because my Hb was 7.0 I stopped eating red meat (with much iron) and vitamin C rich juices that will improve the absorption of iron. Tannins (in tea), calcium in milkproducts, polyphenols, and phytates (found in legumes and whole grains) can decrease absorption of iron.

I take folic acid since I have hemolysis (my red blood cells break much too soon and never live 120 days as they should), B12, B6 and multivitamins without iron (but they do contain vitamin C).

I have now received 80 units of packed red blood cells and get Desferal for iron overload iv in my port 4 days with transfusions. Then I take Neupogen 2 injection/week for low white blood cells.

After 6 units of red blood cells there is no risk for iron overload but as Ruth wrote you could ask about your ferritin value. New research shows that the results of stem cell transplantations are better when the ferritin value is low.
Kind regards
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