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Old Tue Sep 6, 2011, 04:07 PM
Karenish Karenish is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Stafford, United Kingdom
Posts: 100
I think they will try horse as she had horse first. i am the same, nothing really major in my counts, so we are looking at rabbit again as it was rabbit first. I think they stick with the same because they know how the body will react to it, but i am sure someone more knowledgeable may know. However, get them to check for any cellular activity in her marrow first, some people dont respond until month 10 I have heard but checking may show that there is a response but it is slow. good luck, i do know how it feels to be ever hopeful at every blood test only to be disappointed with each call, saying they are going down again, and in you go for yet another transfusion. I am getting two bags of plates again tomorrow....been 15 days since my last one!
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