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Old Thu Sep 8, 2011, 12:19 AM
stayinghopeful stayinghopeful is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 25
The doctor has not yet given us any information about testing his siblings. I think he is waiting for his test results to come back. Im not really sure how the whole process goes or else I would ask them to go get test right now. He has three siblings and all live within the same town we live in, but it is about 2 hrs away from where my dad is being treated.

I understand that when the blasts are >20%, it is considered Leukemia, is that correct? Now that he has started chemo, what is the likelihood he will cross that fine mine between MDS and Leukemia? Is the process of the transplant the same for the 2 conditions?

I'm so sorry about all these questions. I lose my mind and can not think properly when we speak with his doctor because I am so stressed out. I beat myself up afterwards because I only then start thinking of questions to ask...when will this ever get easier?
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