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Old Tue Jan 26, 2016, 08:46 AM
PaulS PaulS is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: New York
Posts: 247
Hi Sia - I'm not as far along as you mother post transplant but I can understand how she might be frustrated and depressed. It sounds like she's dealing with significant GVHD - which requires the attention of someone who know's how to treat that condition -I was (and still am)treated with prednisone - a nasty drug - and Rituxin - which worked small miracles - in mostly clearing up my GVHD - but I'm still dealing with it and hoping it will eventually go away. There are many options for treating GVHD but not taking anything sounds like a bad way to go. Maybe find a different local doctor - sounds like there is a good transplant center in Denver - and help her get things under control. Maybe a brief stay in the hospital to figure things out and get medications corrected. If what she was taking wasn't working then she may need to find something else.

If you can help motivate her and maybe take her places where she needs to go - that might go a long way, but ultimately she needs to find the inner strength to keep fighting.. Its great that you are nearby - the love of a daughter is a powerful thing!

Best wishes,
Lower risk MDS diagnosed 2012. Recurring skin nodules treated with prednisone, otherwise watch and wait. HG dropped from 11.5 to 8.7. Kept going down to 5. Vidaza didn't work. BMT from MUD on September 10 2015
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