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Old Tue Sep 28, 2010, 01:32 PM
Al's Wife Al's Wife is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Jackson, Georgia USA
Posts: 205
"Unfavorable prognosis"

I was more than a little upset yesterday when I looked at the bone marrow biopsy lab report from my husband's bone marrow biopsy two weeks ago. The doctor's office is using a new lab and they actually wrote on the report "unfavorable prognosis," which the last lab had not done. Does anyone else's lab write the prognosis on their labs?
The doctor said that the last two biopsy results were virtually the same, meaning the Vidaza has not kicked in after four months. So he wants to continue my husband on it for another four months and hope that it will begin to work. If not, we will look at other alternatives like clinical trials, maybe transferring to M D Anderson in Houston for treatment, or something!
He has not had any transfusions to date; and his platelets are at 53. They were at an all time low of 37 two weeks after his last chemo. His red blood cells are holding stable and his white blood cells are not affected yet.
I guess the "unfavorable prognosis" comes from his having RCMD Int-1 with many chromosome abnormalities.
My husband doesn't look at the report and, frankly, I'd rather him not hear that terminology. I guess it's better than having read poor prognosis, but, still, it doesn't sound good.
I know we just have to keep the faith, but it is so hard when every time you turn around you're getting hit with something else.
Have any of you seen that written on your biopsy report? Can you tell I'm looking for anything that is encouraging here.
God bless all of you and your caregivers.
Husband diagnosed with RCMD Int-1 on 5/26/10; currently on 5th round of Vidaza with no improvement yet.
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