Thread: Onconova Trial
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Old Thu Jan 20, 2011, 07:40 AM
Paula W. Paula W. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Jackson, NJ
Posts: 61
Hi Greg,

My mom is 77 years old. When she started Vidaza her blast was at a 9%, then went down to normal than increased by 5%, but I don't know what the actual number was. This is when she was told that Vidaza no longer was working and that she needed a trial to survive.

I have the full bone marrow report. (I can email it to you if you would like to see it). This is what I found on cytogenetic.


This was also in the report. It's all gibberish to me, but maybe it makes sense to you.

DIFFERENTIAL CELL COUNT: 500 cells counted ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- CELL TYPE % NORMAL* CELL TYPE % NORMAL* ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ MYELOBLAST 2 0 - 1 PRONORMOBLAST 1 0 - 3 PROMYELOCYTE 4 1 -3 BASO NORMOBLAST 1 0 - 3 MYELOCYTE 6 2 - 10 POLYCHROM 6 3 - 20 METAMYELOCYTE 3 5 -15 ORTHOCHROM 3 0 - 8 BAND 6 10 -40 MONOCYTE 2 0 - 3 NEUTROPHIL 29 10 - 30 LYMPHOCYTE 35 5 - 15 EOSINOPHIL 1 0 - 3 PLASMA CELLS 0 0 - 3 BASOPHIL 1 0 - 1 * Adult range

Let me know if this info helps. Thank you for your help and information.

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