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Old Sun May 27, 2012, 02:16 PM
milliken2 milliken2 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Ellwood City, PA. U.S.A.
Posts: 163
Thank You Both

Sally & Chirley

Thank You both for replying. I will try and get in touch with Bob regarding the Veterans classification- and see if he doesn't have any suggestions for me.

Chirley - do you know what they used to treat your Candida with? If so - let me know, and I will at least have the upper hand when I question our PCP.

Earl is supposed to start his 3rd session of the Dacogen therapy on
Tuesday. But, he is getting so weak, and occasionally nauseated - but the compazine doesn't seem to work for him. I will question that as well. He also has an appointment Tuesday afternoon with a surgeon to get a port put in. He doesn't want to - but his PICC line keeps clogging on me, and I can't seem to get it open. I did the other day - but that was the day following hs 2 doses of activase - and I used heparin in his lines to help, I got a small light pink flush this AM - and will try tonight. I understand where he is - the Derma just removed a second lesion from the same arm - his right arm - and it is very sore. Right now - nothing seems to be going in our favor.

Beth - R.N., B.S.N and wife of recently diagnosed husband who has been classified at stage 4 MDS. and I can't help the one I love the most.

Last edited by Marrowforums : Wed Jan 16, 2013 at 08:43 PM. Reason: updated Chirley's username
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