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Old Sat Dec 5, 2009, 06:30 AM
Kim2007 Kim2007 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 16
I ended up going to the Dermatologist

I finally just went and seen a Dermatologist after all the different stuff I tried. They ended up prescribing me an antibiotic for 2 months and some atralin cream for it and it did help signifigantly. Its like id get at least one huge painful boil for like a month on my face usually but it did happen in other places as well and then right as that would heal another would pop up. This had been happening pretty regular since treatment but I figured as much as I was in and out of the hospital after treatment from the aa, perhaps I got some sort of bacterial infection. It was so bad I was getting scars. I can't say that I don't have issues at all but they aren't as severe now and I don't get the scars.
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