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Old Tue Jul 30, 2013, 03:00 PM
curlygirl curlygirl is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 151
I think a lot depends on your age and how many matches you have. My son just had ATG so it is too early to tell if it is work. He is 8 and is lucky to have a lot of perfect matches on our bone marrow registry but I think that just makes them more anxious to do it. They're already talking about doing it if this doesn't work. Sort of like "oh, the matches are out there, it's a shame to waste them." I think I'd rather go for a second round of ATG and see if that works. Hopefully my son will recover nicely on this round of ATG and it will be a moot point. I do think Drs. sometimes talk about it like it's not a big deal but with 35-40% of recipients getting chronic graft-vs.-host disease (GVHD) I feel like it still is. Also, you get cyclosporine after the transplant to prevent GVHD so there is still a chance that you'd be on it long term anyway. It's a hard decision. Good luck!
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