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Old Mon Sep 21, 2015, 07:08 PM
Neil Cuadra Neil Cuadra is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Los Angeles, California
Posts: 2,553
Getting the full attention of a doctor who studies your specific case, rather than adhering to formulas, sounds like a big advantage to me. I'd be worried about getting Vidaza without more thorough monitoring, and about not being on the recommended treatment schedule.

Having a different arrangement for Saturdays and Sundays isn't unusual, and I'd prefer that to not getting the treatment at all those days.

You're asking for opinions. Mine is that the second center offers you a better choice, assuming the doctors there are just as familiar with MDS.

My family lives near a major treatment center, but we choose another center an hour away for my wife's treatment because we knew that she would get the best care there, where we could partner with doctors and have all of our questions answered. We've never regretted choosing the best care over the most convenient treatment center location.
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