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Old Mon Mar 30, 2015, 09:43 AM
cal12 cal12 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Canada
Posts: 4
Thank you both for your help. This is more help than I have received from the doctors so i do really appreciate it.

The CBC that seem to be most affected are hemoglobin, RBC, WBC, and MPV. These ones fluctuate from below normal to low normal. Neutrophils go from below normal to completely normal. Iron and Ferritin range from low normal to below normal.

RDW and TIBC are always within normal.

Testing for urinary tract infections can come back positive one day and then the next day be completely normal showing no signs of a UTI. I have seen a urologist about this and he told me he does not know why this happens.

As for the toxic neutrophils
Perhaps a UTI is the reason for this? I was exposed to Kerosene for many years from heating the cabin not sure if that would have an impact. I do drink alcohol but I am not a heavy drinker. I don't take any drugs other than antihistamines.

The reason for the bmb was because of the fluctuating CBCs and to rule out mastocytosis as I present with many of the symptoms. Masto was ruled out and Cytogenics was not done I guess because there was nothing abnormal in the bone marrow results.
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