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Old Thu Aug 30, 2007, 03:16 PM
theresasc theresasc is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 4
I am wondering what caused this?

Your asking the wrong question!
The body (all or part) is know as the greatest computer ever built/created.
And, the term we in the computer world use is simple.
Garbage in garbage out.
So you start with the garbage.
The bodies G I tract from the time you open your month
to the other end is critical.
When code is input wrong an error message appears,
that program or part of it is waiting for a correction.
most people see the message on the screen and close that part of the program but the computer continues to work doesn't it. It takes a lot
to shut a human body down; but it still continues to function.
The real question is, Where is the right information!
Think about the following for a minute.
I don't brush my teeth. +30 years
I don't have cavities. wait a minute! why not, The dentist say if you don't
do-etc. you will get cavities. Corner a dentist put some truth serum
in him and he knows the real answer. I know because I keep looking and found "the right information". A computer has many programs that are all linked together- found out what really causes cavities and follow that path down the GI tract and found the other codes the need correcting.
The ONE straw that broke the camels back wasn't the problem!
Remember the FDA controls what a doctor can say it's what they can't tell you that you can find OUT SIDE THE BOX.
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