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Old Wed Jul 4, 2012, 10:46 AM
milliken2 milliken2 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Ellwood City, PA. U.S.A.
Posts: 163
BMB under anesthesia

Hi Rich;
Earl has had 4 BMB's and is headed for his 5th next week - to see if the Dacogen is doing any good after 4 sessions. He had 2 done in West Penn Hospital in PGH with oly local anesthetic - and they were both VERY painful - and to top it off, I had to tell the Dr. how to withdraw the lidocaine from the syringe - she had the tip of the needle above the fluid level, and was wondering why she couldn't get any withdrawn. However, the one he had done at Moffitt was under anesthesia - and he recovered from it much more quickly and without a lot of pain in his hip. I am sure it is because he didn't 'flinch' when they put the needle in for the aspiration. Also, you have to remember the lidocaine only works on the soft tissue - so it doesn't penetrate the actual injection/aspiration site. He had one done here at the hema/onc's office where he is receiving his chemo and that too was painful. Ask Dr. Malhotra to admit you and have it done under anesthesia - that is of course if the insurance covers it. Good luck to you.
Beth - R.N., B.S.N and wife of recently diagnosed husband who has been classified at stage 4 MDS. and I can't help the one I love the most.
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