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Old Tue Jul 31, 2018, 03:47 AM
Meri T. Meri T. is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Posts: 174
Watch and wait


Three months for another blood check is quite good, since your MDS is that low. Per your question for other MDSs, my MDS watch and wait was for 9 months, not so low like you, but it was very beneficial for setting some priorities straight. I toned down my work, I ate better, slept better and even had time to do stuff with the family and for myself that I would never think of before being diagnosed. And as for Ugo, there is also faith.

During the first 3 months of watch and wait, I was "normal", no treatment, then after that came vitamins K1, anabolic steroids for my WBC which was dropping, and the last part of watch and wait was platelet transfusions. Then finally the transplant.

You will get through this. It takes patience.
Female born 1965, diagnosed MDS RAEB1 in August 2016, watch and wait for 9 months. Sibling match - Stem cell transplant in 2017.
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