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Old Sun May 27, 2012, 05:13 AM
glitterandlace glitterandlace is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: central, CA
Posts: 49
I was recently fermenting my own vegetables and noticed it had a negative effect on my platelets. I would stick to the supplements or cultured products if i were you. =-) I also juice like crazy and eat tons of raw fruits and veggies. Last time I was sick with AA and they told me to avoid those things... This time when i relasped, I am consuming them and haven't been sick in so longgggg...... I haven't been sick in 8 months. I believe the raw fruits and veggies are helping me... I only eat organic. I believe the super bugs on the non organic fruits and veggies are worse on the non organic fruits and veggies because of the "types" of pesticides they use, the bugs have built up resistance. The organic raw fruits and veggies have worked out fine for me, I eat them all day every day and have for 1 year already. I also use a refrigerated probiotic too. I am always scared that my body won't absorb the nutrients if I forget to take it that day... I also blend my food and juice to give my digestive system extra "help" with digesting. Try to buy a probiotic with as many strands in it as you can find (preferably in the billions) and buy a refrigerated one, so you are SURE that the strains are still alive when they enter your body.

Last edited by glitterandlace : Fri Oct 19, 2012 at 04:33 AM.
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