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Old Mon Aug 26, 2013, 08:08 PM
curlygirl curlygirl is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 151
WBC went down :-( but reticulocytes are up to 2.45% :-) Hopefully they will stick around! I read that they can go up and down, too. Still had over over 25% each of macrocytes, microcytes, and schistocytes.

Evansmom, my son had massive hemolysis during his virus. One day he went from Hgb 8.4 to 6.4 overnight. He was getting PRBC transfusions every 5 days during those 2 weeks instead of every week and a half (his usual schedule.) And his bilirubin shot up to 1.7, confirming the hemolysis. Luckily that went away with the virus, too: he made it a week and a half until today, when his Hgb was 6.5 and his bilirubin was 0.6. Thank you for the feedback so that I know what to look for! I'm so glad I found this site and you're all so wonderful! My son asked today what would happen if his treatment didn't work and I told him not to worry, there were other options, like doing this again or having a bone marrow transplant. If someone had told me 5 months ago that having these options would make me feel better I wouldn't have believed it!
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