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Old Thu Jan 1, 2009, 12:18 PM
mannythedog mannythedog is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Marble, NC
Posts: 103
Mom Up Date

Hello all, and Peach, I sent you a personal.

It has been just over a week and we have entered a new year with out Bob. It's tough not seeing his fuzzy, white head sticking out from his chair, the head he claimed for years was not a comb over. Belle and my wife also find it tough; however, it gets easier each day due to the chores that keep our minds busy. I have not been in his shop yet. Not ready to do that.

Mom and I went to pick up Pop on Monday. I took a half day, and the boss told me to take her to lunch. I was expecting more at the funeral home, I don't know why. It was very business like. A box was passed to mom, she handed it to me. It was kind of heavy for her. We said our thank yous and left.

I asker her if she wanted lunch, and she said that would be nice. I took her to a local establishment and we sat and talked about pop, among other things. { I left the window in the car cracked} It was the first time in almost 10 years that we had a lunch alone together. Had many w/ pop around, but he needed her presence 24/7.

On the way home, we took a newly constructed road that pop always wanted to drive on. I made him sit in the back seat. We told him how it was, the pretty view of the mountains and how smooth the asphalt was.

I know he was not there, but the human in us alway likes to think otherwise.

He is now on his end table on what was his side of the bed. I have not been in the room since I set him there. Later. Maybe when I go into the shop. Maybe I will make him a nice box out of cherry or walnut. He would have liked that. I'll clear it w/ mom first.

That is pretty much it. We cope, and fill the hole with work, kids... you know, busy stuff.

I'll keep you all updated. They say the pain passes. I am sure it will. I'll just keep filling that hole with my family and the love we share and the memories of pop.

Thank you for letting me share.


Son of Bob
Scott, Son of BOB. My father, diagnosed 9/07 with "hypo-cellular acute bone marrow Leukemia" AA, AML & MDS. He was 77 years old 08/25/2008. He was being treated with Ara-C, blood and platelets w/needed. Stopped blood treatments 12/08/08 & passed 12/23/2008. Pop was the best father and friend.
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