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Old Thu Oct 4, 2007, 03:58 PM
Dawna5 Dawna5 is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 2
BMB results

Originally Posted by jennie View Post
I have had two transfusions, probably having another this week. I have been dropping again
How about you? You and I started this journey around the same time, sounds like. I am curious that you got diagnosed so definitely. Do you know what they saw in your marrow that gave you that definite a diagnosis? My doctors don't seem sure enough to tell me anything more than bone marrow failure. I don't really understand why they aren't sure...
Hi Jennie,

I'm curious as to what the results of your BMB were? did they tell you anything? what is your cellularity %, my son has a hypoplastic bone marrow, and really, that's all I know that this stage, it's frightening for sure, I wish I had some answers. He's having his second BMB in Jan, first one showed no abnormalities just decreased amount of cells. His diff counts have been holding over a year now, in the normal range of low. Do you know what your diff counts are? Anyway, I can relate to your frustration, it's so hard not to have the "answer". What makes me very worried is my mom had MDS RAEB T, and I can't help but worry that there is some genetic connection. Hang in there and I hope we both get some answers soon.
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