Thread: Very confused
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Old Sat Apr 19, 2014, 12:08 AM
Meahgee Meahgee is offline
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 8
Very confused

I am a mother to an amazing little boy that is about 2.5. We have tried for over a year to find out what is wrong with him and causing his anemia. He just had a bone marrow aspiration and some, but not all the results are back yet. His marrow was hyper cellular with a high number of red blood cell precursors with adequate stores yet every single one of the 11 types of cells he had were exactly double the normal range. His retic count is very low at a 0.3 despite the fact that he is anemic. His ferritin was a 2. He had two iron infusions which only worked for a week and he now has nothing left again. How can one have the tools in their bone marrow, but be showing it's not working in retic count? Also what on Earth would cause exactly double of all cells in his marrow. They are waiting for mds to come back, but as you can imagine I am very very worried. I am having trouble finding a whole lot of anything on any of this. Thanks for your help.
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