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Old Wed Jan 21, 2015, 12:10 PM
curlygirl curlygirl is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 151
Live imaging captures how blood stem cells take root in the body of a Zebrafish

You can now watch zebra-fish blood stem cells take root in the body
to generate blood:

From article:

A see-through zebrafish and enhanced imaging provide the first direct glimpse of how blood stem cells take root in the body to generate blood. Reporting online in the journal Cell today, researchers in Boston Children's Hospital's Stem Cell Research Program describe a surprisingly dynamic system that offers several clues for improving bone marrow transplants in patients with cancer, severe immune deficiencies and blood disorders, and for helping those transplants "take."

The steps are detailed in an animation ( narrated by senior investigator Leonard Zon, MD, director of the Stem Cell Research Program. The Cell version offers a more technical explanation (
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