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Old Sat Sep 29, 2007, 06:00 AM
choijk choijk is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 47
Always have faith

Hi Scott,
I haven't been posting as much lately but I just had to comment on your post. Please, ALWAYS have hope! I know it's a lot of information to soak in all at once, but there is always always always hope. You have to believe! I don't really know too much about the chemos for AML, but there is a forum I came across when I found out that my dad was dx with MDS. It's on the leukemia-lymphoma website

I've noticed that there are many patients on the forum that took the ARA-C. There is this one post by the user name pigduck who delves into her father's experiences with MDS , turning into AML and her father's experiences with ARA-C.

I hope this might help. I'm sorry that I can't share with you any personal experiences with any of the drugs you've mentioned. But I just want you to know that this is a wonderful forum with many people that not only care but have a wealth of information that they can share with you.

Best of luck,
June, daugther. 71 yr old father dx on 01/13/07 with MDS/MPD - RCMD/Secondary MF). No excess blasts no excess chromosomes. Hypercelluar 70-80%. Low hgb. Transfusion dependent every 3-4 weeks/2pints. Began Procrit on 03/27/07. No progress thus far. Taking Folic Acid, B6, CoQ10, and Cod Liver Oil
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