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Old Sat Nov 13, 2010, 04:25 AM
Lisa V Lisa V is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Waimanalo, Hawaii
Posts: 401
Originally Posted by Hopeful View Post
Everyone knows that IST is not a cure, but is does buy time.
Generally speaking, this is true, but the figures I've seen for IST cite a relapse rate of roughly 35% at 14 years, for both children and adults. If I interpret that correctly, that means that 65% of responders will NOT relapse, at least not within the time period measured. I don't know of any statistics for longer periods of time, but if there were, they would probably be outdated since protocols and methods are constantly being improved.

Also, it is not unheard of for a patient to relapse following a BMT. I've heard of at least a couple of cases of that happening. The bottom line is that nothing is absolute. We're always dealing with odds and statistics and trying to second guess where we fit into the picture. The best people to help with that are those on the frontlines, but it's still going to be an educated guess at best.
-Lisa, husband Ken age 60 dx SAA 7/04, dx hypo MDS 1/06 w/finding of trisomy 8; 2 ATGs, partial remission, still using cyclosporine
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