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Old Wed May 14, 2008, 05:51 PM
trishgen2001 trishgen2001 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Roanoke, VA
Posts: 15
Thank-you for your response. I would love to correspond with you. It will be so nice to have someone who understands what we are going through, and they are so close in age. I am so happy to hear that you have found a donor and I wish you all the best with it. Our plan is to (if this round of ATG) don't work, is to give her another round of the ATG/Cyclosporine treatment, if there is no response in the next few months. If we have to do that, we'll begin looking for a donor at that time. This is a very scary time for us. I find myself living for the next CBC results and praying for a miracle every week! Jessica is doing homebound as well. It was a couple of weeks after the ATG before she felt like doing anything, and by then school was almost out for the year, they only have a few more weeks to go. She's just going to finish up this year with homebound. She did join her French class for an outing earlier in the week and seemed to enjoy that. She always seems to perk up a lot when her friends stop by or she has plans to go do something with them. The whole social thing is so important for them at this age. We have only had to have 2 blood transfusions since this all started. Jess seems to handle the low hemoglobin very well, they are always amazed that she is still functioning with her low counts. If you're sister would like, and Jess agrees, maybe they could exchange email addresses? I think it would be good for them to have someone going through the same thing to talk to. Jess doesn't really talk about it all that much to us. We don't push, just try to stay open when she does. Her skin and hair both are very dry, i guess due to the cyclosporine, she noticed some hair loss, but not much at first and hasn't said anything else about it in a while.
Trish, mother of Jessica age 16, diagnosed AA March 08/SAA APRIL 08/ATG/CYCLOSPORINE APRIL 08
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