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Old Tue Apr 6, 2010, 10:04 AM
Raj Raj is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: chennai, India
Posts: 13
Congratulations on your positive response Karen !

My dad completed his first 7-day cycle yesterday and things look good so far.

Counts prior to first dose (after 1 unit packed cell transfusion):
Hb 9.9/WBC: 10,900/Platelets: 44,000

Day 4 counts: Hb: 8.5/WBC: 5100/Platelets: 35,000

Day after 7th dose: Hb: 9.5/WBC: 7700/Platelets: 46,000

He had 100 mg Vidaza for 5 days followed by 200 mg doses on day 6 and 7.
Apart from that he was given an antibiotic cover (Piptaz) as the doctors suspected that eventhough his ANC was quite high, the quality of neutrophils may not be that good. His main reaction was nausea and constipation which were solved by Granicet injection and Cremaffin/Isapgol. He had poor appetitie initially which improved a bit as the doses progressed. Vidaza was administered IV.

Apart from that he used to receive Insulin injection for his diabetes and they have stopped and moved back to oral medication for that after the doses as well. (He had never had to have insulin injections even though he was 30-year diabetic - just oral medication and exercise routines until MDS).

Next dose in 23 days.
Raj, Father dx with MDS 03/03/10 6% blasts, Started Vidaza 03/29/10, 6 cycles to complete remission 0% blasts, Spinal infection required stoppage of Vidaza. Progressed to AML in May 2011.
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