Starting in 2007, Daylight Saving Time in North America starts earlier in the year and ends later in the year than in past years. For 2007, Daylight Saving Time is March 11 through November 4.
When you first visit or log into
Marrowforums after Daylight Saving Time starts or ends, a small pop-up window may appear momentarily, saying
DST Settings Updated
This confirms that the forum software made the change for your time zone.
Checking and setting the time
No matter what country or time zone you are in, you can check if the forum system has the proper time setting for you by looking at the bottom of this page.
Marrowforums uses the AM/PM system, so at noon it should say
The time now is 12:00 PM.
If the time shown is wrong, correct it as follows:
- Go to your User Options page.
- Scroll down to the Date & Time Options section.
- Check the settings for Time Zone and DST Correction Option.
For the
Time Zone setting:
Select the time zone or country that matches your location. For example, in New York you'd useTime Zone: (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), Bogota, Lima
For the
DST Correction Option setting:
If you are in an area that observes Daylight Saving Time, useDST Correction Option: Automatically detect DST settings
If you are in an area that does not observe Daylight Saving Time, useDST Correction Option: DST corrections always off
If you have questions about Daylight Saving Time or about setting your time zone options, click the
Post Reply button and ask us!