AA patients- use CPAP machine for sleep apnea
My father has been living for three years with AA-MDS(I think doctors don't know and because of the few marrow cells according to result of BMP they said it can be AA-MDS). He also has sleep apnea and snoring for 30 years. While he had a surgery(hip replacement resulted from cortizone treatment), I recognize that his oxygen level at night while he was sleeping was 30%. İts value must be 90-95%. Then I understand that maybe the low oxygen level can cause the drop on marrow cells. Think of 30 years oxygen stress of cells. This may lead any kind of disease. We saw a breast doctor and after two night sleeping in the hospital and testing CPAP machine, we bought one. He had taken 1 unit blood for 3 weeks but after he used CPAP time increase to 7 weeks. Perhaps 1-2 years usage of CPAP machine can be a solution for this kind of disease.
2009 august diagnosed MDS or AA, cyclosporine began,ALG (rabbit) treatment 2009 december, After 2010 April cortizone began, platelet transfusion free for 3 months. 2011-2013 Hip replacements with low platelet. 2018 splenectomy.