Donor Cell Leukemia (DCL)
Does anyone have any experience with "donor cell leukemia" (DCL)? It is very rare. It is relapse that affects the donor cells and not a person's host cells. I think this is what I have experienced and will discuss with transplant doctor next week. The reasons I believe I have it is that my chimerism has been at 100 percent almost the entire time after transplant. The other reason is that when I relapsed (at Day about +210) none of my previous mutations were present. My post-transplant diagnosis is AML+Philadelphia chromosome (9;22). The doctors can't understand how/why that happened.
In one European study with 91 centers and 10,489 patients participating there were only 14 cases of DCL.
age 70, dx RAEB-2 on 11-26-2013 w/11% blasts. 8 cycles Vidaza 3w/Revlimid. SCT 8/15/2014, relapsed@Day+210 (AML). Now(SCT-Day+1005). Prepping w/ 10 days Dacogen for DLI on 6/9/2017.