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seniorrico Sun Sep 2, 2007 07:09 PM

Holistic treatment of MDS
Does anyone have any experience with the holistic treatment of MDS? Is there a special diet or paticular supliment(s) that help with MDS. Any holistic Drs that treat MDS succesfully? Right now all you hear are drugs for the treatment of MDS.

Zoe's Life Sun Sep 2, 2007 08:44 PM

Dr. Raza did some studies on COQ10 and curcumin. I did them for a while but my hgb started diving. I don't know if it was a coincidence or caused by the curcumin. Although Revlimid also causes counts to drop initially. Maybe I will try the curcumin route again when the Aranesp stops working before trying Revlimid. I found protocols for it somewhere. I will try to track them down again.


Marlene Mon Sep 3, 2007 10:36 AM

Bruce at Aplastic Central has been doing a combo of things for MDS. You can read his blog and journal. I think he's been having some success with chinese herbs. His site is


Neil Cuadra Mon Sep 3, 2007 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Marlene (Post 6233)
Bruce at Aplastic Central has been doing a combo of things for MDS.

I think it's for AA, not MDS, in Bruce's case.

Marlene Tue Sep 4, 2007 09:58 AM

No, Bruce has progressed to MDS....M

Tom M Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:21 PM

When I first started Revlimid in April, at 10 mg, my counts dropped so much I had to be hospitalized. In June, I started back up on the Revlimid at a lower dosage; 5mg. Prior to that, in May, I started taking shark liver oil capsules, as a supplement. Someone else on this site was taking it, and they were getting fewer transfusions. I have been transfusion free since May 16th of this year. Whether it is the shark liver oil, the lower dose revlimid, or the prayers of many being answered, I do not know, but I am still taking the SLO and my hgb is still climbing. My last blood draw had me at 9.9 hgb, wbc - 2.9, platelets at 125, and neutrophils at 700. For me, these counts are great, and I feel pretty good.

koyotekathy Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:38 PM

What a wonderful blog!

Originally Posted by Marlene (Post 6233)
Bruce at Aplastic Central has been doing a combo of things for MDS. You can read his blog and journal. I think he's been having some success with chinese herbs. His site is


Thank you, Bruce, for that truly wonderful blog! It was a lot of work and very valuable!

lfeinsmith Wed Oct 3, 2007 12:18 PM

vegetable juicing

Originally Posted by seniorrico (Post 6231)
Does anyone have any experience with the holistic treatment of MDS? Is there a special diet or paticular supliment(s) that help with MDS. Any holistic Drs that treat MDS succesfully? Right now all you hear are drugs for the treatment of MDS.

Dr Raza recommends daily juicing with green vegetables (organic) because it contains many micronutrients

Vivvi Sat Nov 3, 2007 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by leslie s (Post 6378)
Dr Raza recommends daily juicing with green vegetables (organic) because it contains many micronutrients

Who is Dr. Raza? My mother has mds.

Zoe's Life Sat Nov 3, 2007 11:36 PM



What type of MDS does your mother have?

Here is what I found on Dr. Raza for reading. I learned about her from the U of Mass web site.

This is old, but gives you some info. Since this was written, her husband has died of cancer and I have read that she is currently at St. Vincents in NY. I am particularly interested in her studies of ginerol and curcumin for MDS.


JAC Tue Apr 15, 2008 01:57 PM

Tom M
I was on 10mg Rev. for about a month and lost my gallbladder. Taken off Rev. and back on 5mg Jan. No tx for 9 months, counts dropped, back on tx every 3wks. Has anyone heard of doc. in Germany using Rev. 3 mo. on, 1 off with success?

SASSI07855 Fri Mar 6, 2015 06:01 PM

This is the only thread I have come across here that has anything to say about the Holistic approach to treating MDS problems. I am surprised to see that there have not been any posts on this subject here for a number of years, or at least I have not found them.

I am a believer in the Holistic approach. I plan to begin a regular posting here on this thread. if you have had experience with the Holistic approach it would be good to hear about your experiences.

Carole L Mon Mar 9, 2015 12:32 PM

Holistic Therapies
Hi, Love to hear more about his subject. I tried to find a centre that would treat my MDS holistically and was rejected. Reason was MDS is hard to treat and both places I contacted (including a 1 hr consult with a physician), had no success. They did not want to take my $.

I take shark liver oil, B12, Evening Primrose, Vit E, 3000 mg of VitC, Ashwagandha & Cal/Mag.

Have currently completed cycle 1 of Vidaza and struggling with very low platelets, WBC & Neutrophils, and of course fatigue. Cycle 2 starts Tues.

Look forward to hearing more.


Marlene Mon Mar 9, 2015 03:24 PM

I thinks there's quite a bit of information throughout this site on the approaches people have taken to address their disease holistically. Treating holistically does not preclude one from utilizing conventional medical treatments so it may be difficult to find.

You may want to search for some of the following topics:

Vitamin D3 and K2 for MDS
Copper for MDS
Intermittent fasting
MTHFR mutations as it relates to the utilization of B12 and Folate in bone marrow failure.
Gut microbiome
Gluten free diets

You may want to watch this's a few years old but still good.

Cheryl C Mon Mar 9, 2015 08:08 PM

Just from my own experience, avoiding foods containing cane sugar greatly reduces vulnerability to sore throats. Cranberry capsules can help to reduce vulnerability to UTIs. Echinacea 5000 mg once or twice a day can stop a threatening throat/chest infection. Medical grade honey is really helpful for mouth ulcers or sore throats.

tom30 Mon Mar 9, 2015 10:21 PM

-Exercise within your tolerances.
-Practice stress reduction, meditation, yoga, prayer or whatever woks for you.
-Eat healthy - limit or eliminate processed foods, pick a diet that you are comfortable with, some eliminate meats, some eliminate gluten, focus on unprocessed organic fresh foods.
-Eliminate Alcohol.
-Use selective vitamins and supplements, there are lots of recommendations on this site. I do not believe there is one set of vitamins that can be recommended.

Lulu Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:01 PM

I have had dramatic success with K2, which I think is being knocked out due to my gut problems. Lately my Hg has gone down a bit and I don't know if this is because I have taken my eye off the ball a bit and have skipped supplements and been slacking with diet, or something else.

Next thing I am planning to try if my Hg carries on going down is low dose naltrexone. Theory being that this will address gut inflammation.

Am a terrible stress-monger, and am trying to work on this aspect too!

Marlene Thu Mar 26, 2015 05:13 PM


Have you read Deb's post on her experience with LDN? Her circumstances are different from yours but you may find her posts interesting. I think you are the second person to explore this.

Would love to know how you do on it.


Lulu Mon May 18, 2015 02:21 PM

low dose naltrexone
Hi Marlene, have only just checked into the site in months! Yes I read Deb's experience with LDN, and know several people who are taking it for other conditions and had a good response. I am hoping that it will address my gut problems which I suspect are a factor in the MDS.

I have just ordered some LDN, so will try to post some updates. Currently my Hg is 10 and WBC 3.8, which is lower than they have been for ages, although I know I am very lucky compared to many others.

Have also been trying to do something about my stress levels, as I can get myself into a complete state worrying about test results.

HopeW Sun Aug 23, 2015 08:13 PM

Hi, how was your experience with LDN? Could you please share?

Lulu Wed Oct 7, 2015 07:38 AM

Hi, have been on LDN for about 4 months now, so far I don't think it has affected my anemia (at last count it was 10.5) or my gut problems, however I do feel a bit more energetic.

It has had a dramatic effect on some other health issues though, I used to have very bad tendonitis and was getting a lot of cramps in my calves at night. Haven't had a cramp for ages (touch wood) and within a few days of taking LDN I was walking easier.

Marlene Wed Oct 7, 2015 09:10 AM

Thanks for the uddate
I'm glad it has helped on some level and any improvement in your quality life is a good thing. Sorry that you still have the gut issues though. It would be helpful to get that back on track since it probably has a impact on other things.

Have you been screened for H.Pylori bacteria?

How did you figure out the dosage that worked for you? And did you have any sleep/dream issues.

Lulu Tue Oct 27, 2015 05:08 PM

Hi Marlene

I have never been tested for H Pylori, will ask the doc about that, thanks for the suggestion!

Re the LDN, I started taking a very low dose and worked up to 4.5mg. Had a couple of nights of weird dreams, but otherwise slept better on it than off it.

Blood test last week showed counts had gone down though, especially white cell count. So the LDN defo hasn't helped with that, and I have stopped it for time being to see if it makes any difference. Suspect it doesn't make much difference to blood counts, but am erring on the side of caution!

tom30 Sat Nov 26, 2016 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by tom30 (Post 37411)
-Exercise within your tolerances.
-Practice stress reduction, meditation, yoga, prayer or whatever works for you.
-Eat healthy - limit or eliminate processed foods, pick a diet that you are comfortable with, some eliminate meats, some eliminate gluten, focus on unprocessed organic fresh foods.
-Eliminate Alcohol.
-Use selective vitamins and supplements, there are lots of recommendations on this site. I do not believe there is one set of vitamins that can be recommended.

An update on what has been working for me FWIW. Most of what I do is picked from what others have found helpful on this forum.

I settled on a mostly paelo diet (no processed foods) and use a nutribullet to make 2x 24oz green smoothies a day. I use mixed greens, tomato's, cellery, carrots, cucumber, baby peppers and a small amount of mixed berries, tumeric root, ginger root, garlic clove.

vitamins and supplements- b12, multi, b6, magnesium, zinc, d3, mk7,fish oil, ginko.

run 4 miles a day outside.

stress reduction went out the window with new job and tinnitus so I can't say I've got anything that works for me with that right now. Against my better judgement I started drinking wine this year after not having alcohol since 2009. I have to get back on track with taking that out of the equation.

Was at Hematologist this week and my blood counts are ok and while my condition is not normal he does not know what the cause is, he believes it is autoimmune related based on my past history, when I first went to him he was thinking MDS/BM failure. My counts have been steady over the last 2 years.
My counts from back in 2010 were wbc 2.5, rbc 3.8, plt 75-, mcv 98
Currently ----------------------------wbc 3.2, rbc 4.32, plt 112, mcv 101.

BillPruitt Mon Jan 2, 2017 10:28 AM

Your nutrition update

Originally Posted by tom30 (Post 41786)
An update on what has been working for me FWIW. Most of what I do is picked from what others have found helpful on this forum.

I settled on a mostly paelo diet (no processed foods) and use a nutribullet to make 2x 24oz green smoothies a day. I use mixed greens, tomato's, cellery, carrots, cucumber, baby peppers and a small amount of mixed berries, tumeric root, ginger root, garlic clove.

vitamins and supplements- b12, multi, b6, magnesium, zinc, d3, mk7,fish oil, ginko.

run 4 miles a day outside.

stress reduction went out the window with new job and tinnitus so I can't say I've got anything that works for me with that right now. Against my better judgement I started drinking wine this year after not having alcohol since 2009. I have to get back on track with taking that out of the equation.

Was at Hematologist this week and my blood counts are ok and while my condition is not normal he does not know what the cause is, he believes it is autoimmune related based on my past history, when I first went to him he was thinking MDS/BM failure. My counts have been steady over the last 2 years.
My counts from back in 2010 were wbc 2.5, rbc 3.8, plt 75-, mcv 98
Currently ----------------------------wbc 3.2, rbc 4.32, plt 112, mcv 101.

thank you for posting your list of foods and supplements. Are you getting better with higher blood counts? Good for you for taking charge of your health. My dad has MDS and wish he'd do the same.

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